
I Love Tacos! Don’t You?

Halloumi Tacos with Pineapple Salsa and Aji Verde

Halloumi Tacos with Pineapple Salsa and Aji Verde is another taco recipe that I love.  If you have never had Halloumi cheese, you are in for a real treat with this one.  Halloumi cheese is thought to have originated in Greece or Turkey, but has been around for centuries. 

The Usual (And Not So Usual) Suspects: Viruses Circulating Now

Blue Virus

Have you or your kids had viral infections recently?  Sometimes it feels like we are playing “catch-up” on viral infections after having relatively few at the beginning of the pandemic.  And it’s true that the timing and seasonal variations of certain viral infections are off right now.  

Let’s Talk Breast Cancer Screening!

Breast cancer screening pink ribbon

Breast cancer screening is so important, and some of us got behind on this during the pandemic.  Now that we have COVID vaccines and medications to treat COVID in high risk groups it is a good time to get caught up. 

Why Direct Primary Care?

World Heart Day

Why should you choose a doctor in a direct primary care (DPC) practice like DirectMed DPC?  There are so many reasons, and here are just a few…

How Often Do You Need A Pap?

Pap Smear

The guidelines for cervical cancer screening have changed a lot over the years, which can be quite confusing.  But, here is the good news:  PAP smears are done less frequently these days when the result is normal.  

Healthy Taco Tuesday!

Healthy fish tacos

Here is another favorite recipe in the Lessing home – it is a little more time intensive than some of our usual weeknight recipes, so it is a special treat when we have it on the menu.  This recipe is from Kate from the blog Cookie and Kate.

LGBTQ Pride!


It is unacceptable that so many in the LGBTQ community have faced harassment or discrimination while seeing a healthcare provider.

Colon Cancer Screening!

Colon Cancer Blue Ribbon with Stethoscope

Newer guidelines recommend all adults can start screening for colon cancer at the age of 45, or younger if there is a strong family history of colon cancer.  Colonoscopy is one of our best tools to screen for and prevent cancer – accurate, reliable and efficient.

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