Women's Health

Let’s Talk Breast Cancer Screening!

Breast cancer screening pink ribbon

Breast cancer screening is so important, and some of us got behind on this during the pandemic.  Now that we have COVID vaccines and medications to treat COVID in high risk groups it is a good time to get caught up. 

How Often Do You Need A Pap?

Pap Smear

The guidelines for cervical cancer screening have changed a lot over the years, which can be quite confusing.  But, here is the good news:  PAP smears are done less frequently these days when the result is normal.  

Zika Virus. Should I Be Worried?

close up of mosquito biting a person

The Zika Virus is a virus transmitted through mosquitoes which can cause fever, rash, joint pain and pink eye. In most people, this illness is self-limiting with a duration of about one week and without long term consequences in most cases.

January is Cervical Cancer Awareness Month!

Cervical cancer is related to high-risk Human Papilloma virus (HPV). Risk factors for contracting HPV include age of first intercourse and number of sexual partners. Most healthy non-smoking women can clear the virus, however, immunocompromised conditions and smoking decrease the chance of women clearing this virus on their own.

Breast Cancer Awareness & Screening

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month which encourages people to take part in early detection of the disease. 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime and early detection provides a 100% 5 year survival rate.

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