Dr. Katriny Ikbal

The Truth about Trick or Treating!

Halloween treats in a pumpkin styled bucket.

It is almost ironic that the eve of celebrating the dead cherishes a food that causes the most health problems in the world. Candy, whether it be the hard candy or chocolate variety, has sugar as the main ingredient. Sugar is being more widely accepted as the contributing cause of many medical issues including diabetes, cancer and even mood disorders in adults and kids.

Pumpkin Carving Tips You Never Knew!

Jack O'lantern

Pumpkin carving is a tradition which dates back hundreds of years ago that originated in Ireland when turnips and potatoes were actually used as Jack-o’-lanterns. Early Irish Americans transitioned to using pumpkins which turned into the classic Halloween tradition we celebrate today.

Do I Need A Flu Shot?

Get your flu shot!

A common misconception is that only elderly or immunocompromised people need the flu shot. Of course, those at higher risk of infection and complications of infections would be high priority.

Sore Throat! Do I Need An Antibiotic?

Having a sore throat may be common but by no means is it a comfortable condition. Causes of sore throat can range from allergies to cancer. How do I know what I have and what can help me feel better?

Baby’s First Stomach Flu!

child laying down, wincing

Our son had his first play-date at a local mall playground. Even though the photos were memorable, the aftermath of the play-date did not come with such fond memories. Within 12 -ours, our little guy was vomiting numerous times and ended up with days of soiled diapers that looked more like a war zone.

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