It is almost ironic that the eve of celebrating the dead cherishes a food that causes the most health problems in the world. Candy, whether it be the hard candy or chocolate variety, has sugar as the main ingredient. Sugar is being more widely accepted as the contributing cause of many medical issues including diabetes, cancer and even mood disorders in adults and kids.
This Halloween season, I challenge you to get creative with your “treats” and promote healthy snacks and goodies to share with those around you. At your holiday parties, try to incorporate seasonal fruits and nuts to enjoy and limit the amount of refined sugars and processed foods that commonly accompany this holiday. Focus on fun-filled activities instead of the party centered around sugary desserts.
Think about handing out dental floss or toothpaste to your guests that ring your doorbell. You can even tell frightful stories of what sugar can do to you which will definitely have them reaching for apples over candy bars. If there is any lesson you share with others around you, please encourage moderation in our indulgences.
Be safe this holiday and enjoy your time with your loved ones!