Spotlight on Women’s Health: Sexual Wellness

Sexual Wellness

Lately I’ve had a number of female patients ask me for help troubleshooting problems with sex, so I thought I’d spend some time on this topic today.  Female sexual satisfaction is not talked about enough, yet it is incredibly important!  Clinics catering to men to address testosterone levels or erectile dysfunction are becoming increasingly common, and while these can be helpful for men, there are not similar clinics for women.  There are so many factors that can affect a woman’s sexual experience including relationships, menopause, chronic disease (like diabetes), medications, pelvic pain and trauma.  There is usually not just one solution to this complex concern.  I recommend the sexual health app Rosy (  This app can help to address a number of these factors and was created by a physician.  I encourage any women struggling with this to also make an appointment with a physician (LIKE ME!) to discuss this further.  

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