Acupuncture. Does It Really Work?

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Traditional acupuncture can help with a wide list of ailments ranging from back pain to insomnia. But what many people are not aware of is the ability of acupuncturists to tap into the body’s natural ability to heal even in the face of cancer.

As most of my close friends and patients know, my sister is currently receiving treatment for cancer here in Austin. She has gone through the traditional routes of surgery, radiation and chemotherapy, all of which have had their risks and side effects. In the last few months, she has been seeing an acupuncturist who specializes in cancer patients. As complementary treatment to her traditional Western medical care, acupuncture has proven to help my sister’s motor function and has played a role in the shrinkage of her tumor to the extent where her Neuro Oncologist has deemed that she does not need to take the last two rounds of chemotherapy as originally planned.

I realize acupuncture alone cannot cure cancer, however, I think that as a society we need to embrace alternative type treatments as a complement to traditional Western medicine. I will admit I was skeptical of the utility of acupuncture in a cancer plan, however, I am more than happy to report the significant improvement in my sister’s health and the hope it has given to our family.

I encourage my patients to consider all options in treatment plans by having a multidisciplinary approach to their healthcare. Talk to your primary care doctor, your specialists and alternative practitioners about the options that are available to help improve your medical conditions.

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